Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council

Governing Documents

Standing Orders

The current Standing Orders were approved by the Council on 16/3/20.


Financial Regulations

The current Financial Regulations were approved by the Council on 20/1/20



Delegated Authority

List of resolutions giving delegated authority, to ensure the smooth and essential running of Council business.



Code of Conduct


In 1995, in order to ensure high standards of conduct, the Committee for Standards in Public Life established the Seven Principles of Public Life . These apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder, including Parish Councillors.


Parish/Town Councils are required to establish a Code of Conduct. The Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council Code of Conduct for Members 2012 is based on the Seven Principles; it can be seen here.


The Seven Principles of Public Life were reviewed and updated in 2013; they can be seen here.


Registration of Interests


Under the Code of Conduct, Members (Councillors) are required to register their 'Disclosable Pecuniary Interests' and 'Other Interests' as outlined in Appendix A and B of the Code, within 28 days of becoming a Member.


To view a Councillors Register of Interests go to the Councillors section of the Contact us page.



Member Allowances

The Parish Council has resolved not to pay a Parish Basic Allowance to any Member. However, travelling and subsistence allowances are payable for certain duties undertaken outside the parish.

Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council Members' Allowance Scheme



NALC The Good Councillor Guide 2024

This booklet, whilst not a governing document, is a really helpful overall guide to the work of a parish council / Councillor. It is made available to all Councillors when they join the Parish Council.

The Good Councillor Guide 2024 - NALC

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