Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council


If you have news you would like publicised here please contact the clerk.



D Day 80th Anniversary
27th June 2024


Update 27th June 2024. The Robertsbridge Summer Event which was cancelled on 22nd June has been rescheduled for Saturday 20th July.



Thursday 6th June it will be 80 years since D Day. The local events taking place are as follows:

6.30am (the time when the American invasion force started to land on the beaches of Normandy) Robertsbridge British Legion will mark the event at Robertsbridge War Memorial.


In the evening there will be a celebration from 7pm at the Stage Field, on Bodiam Road. Local residents are invited to arrive from 7pm, relax with background music, look at the jeep, steam engine etc then the beacon gets lit at 9.15pm, the reading of the tribute will then happen followed by a bit more music. Fireworks should then be from 9.45pm.


On Saturday 22nd June the Robertsbridge Summer Event will also celebrate D Day 80.


Resurfacing of Station Road and Brightling Road
27th June 2024


Thank you to everyone for their support in lobbying for this work.


Monday 29th July to Friday 30th August resurfacing from the junction of Station Road with the High Street to the Darvel entrance (Bishops Lane) will be undertaken in phases overnight at weekends only. Access to Station Road will be restricted for residents for the duration of the works. The road will be closed for 24 hours each day with a diversion route in place but emergency vehicles will still have access. At times there will be 'no parking' signs at different locations. Residents and businesses will receive further information by post and there will be advance road signs. Details will be provided at


Before the resurfacing takes place there will be investigatory works from Monday 8th July to Saturday 13th July 7pm to 6am.




Planning Committee - Monday 3rd June
30th May 2024


There will be a Planning Committee Meeting on Monday 3rd June 2024 at Robertsbridge Youth Centre at 7.30pm.


The press and public are welcome to attend and up to 15 minutes will be allowed at the start of the meeting for public comments and questions. The agenda for the meeting will be available on the 'Council Meetings' page three days prior. Click here to see the notice.


Summer Event celebrating D Day 80 - Saturday 22nd Jun 2024
30th May 2024


Robertsbridge Summer Event is returning to the Recreation Ground on SATURDAY 22nd June 12-4pm.


This event is being led by Robertsbridge Bonfire Society in collaboration with the Parish Council.

Bring your picnic and join in the entertainment, dancing, music and games. BBQ and bar available.


This event will be weather dependant.


New Councillor May 2024
28th May 2024


Welcome to Simon Longhurst who joined us earlier this month as a Parish Councillor. Simon has lived in Robertsbridge for over 30 years, was a rail commuter until recently and has been involved in lots of organisations including Scouts, PTA, 2012 Jubilympics and an earlier stint on the Parish Council.


Annual Parish Council Meeting
20th May 2024


There will be a Full Council Meeting on Monday 20th May at the Village Hall in Station Road, at 7.30pm.




This will be followed by the Council Meeting, the first part of which will constitute the Annual Council Meeting, including election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council, plus Committees, Working Group and Council Representatives.




A period of up to 15 minutes will be allowed at the start for questions and comments from the public.


The Notice of Meeting can be seen here.


D Day 80 - 6th June 2024
7th May 2024



Hurst Green Parish Council invite Robertsbridge residents to join in the local beacon celebrations on the evening of 6th June. Details attached including fireworks by Robertsbridge Bonfire Society. Stage Field is located on Stage Road (Bodiam Road), turn right at the top of Silverhill towards Bodiam. The field is on the left after the houses.


Draft Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 – Public Consultation – 30th April 2024 to 23rd July 2024
7th May 2024


A 12 weeks public consultation is running from 5pm on 30th April to 5pm on 23rd July 2024 on the draft new Local Plan which will guide development and land use in our district over the period 2020 - 2040. Any comments made at this stage will be important in shaping the Local Plan as it is further developed into the Proposed Submission Plan next year, before the final version is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination and adoption by the Council. When adopted, the Plan's policies will be used to determine planning applications throughout Rother district.



See full article


Planning Committee - WEDNESDAY 8th May 2024
2nd May 2024


There will be a Planning Committee Meeting on WEDNESDAY 8th May 2024 at Robertsbridge Youth Centre at 7.30pm.


The press and public are welcome to attend and up to 15 minutes will be allowed at the start of the meeting for public comments and questions. The agenda for the meeting will be available on the 'Council Meetings' page three days prior. Click here to see the notice.


Would you like to be a Parish Councillor?
2nd May 2024


We still have one vacancy on the Parish Council to fill. The current Members can select (co-opt) someone to join them.


If you would be interested in joining the Parish Council, please contact the Parish Office for an application form as soon as possible.

The application deadline is 13th May 2024.


Karen Ripley

Parish Clerk

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