Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council

Village Steward

Gavin Ellenger is our village steward. He helps us to improve the appearance of public areas in the village.



The suggestion of having a part-time Village Steward was put to residents in a parish-wide questionnaire in September 2015. 76% of respondents were in favour, and Peter Pattenden was appointed in April 2017. When Peter retired we welcomed Gavin as his replacement in April 2023.


Gavin has been contracted to work up to 16 hours a week (this varies with seasonal requirements of course) keeping our public areas well-maintained. He routinely strims, weeds and cuts back vegetation in our streets and open spaces. He also cleans our bus shelters and road signs . As and when required Gavin will also do repairs (for example to fences, gates, noticeboards, benches and the pavilion) and re-paint things like bollards, bins and railings. Perhaps less noticeably, he will also adds ground surfacing materials to improve many a muddy area, and eliminates mole hills! Finally he will do litter picks when time allows but this is not a major part of his job.


Unfortunately there are some jobs (for example pot-holes, storm-drain and pavement repairs) that only ESCC Highways can carry out, but Gavin helps us to get these issues reported promptly.


Do contact the if you have any good suggestions for tasks for Gavin...